import torch
import pypose as pp
from torch import nn
[docs]class IMUPreintegrator(nn.Module):
Applies preintegration over IMU input signals.
pos (torch.Tensor, optional): initial position. Default: :obj:`torch.zeros(3)`.
rot (pypose.SO3, optional): initial rotation. Default: :meth:`pypose.identity_SO3`.
vel (torch.Tensor, optional): initial position. Default: torch.zeros(3).
gravity (float, optional): the gravity acceleration. Default: 9.81007.
gyro_cov: covariance of the gyroscope. Default: (3.2e-3)**2.
Use the form :obj:`torch.Tensor(gyro_cov_x, gyro_cov_y, gyro_cov_z)`,
if the covariance on the three axes are different.
acc_cov: covariance of the accelerator. Default: (8e-2)**2.
Use the form :obj:`torch.Tensor(acc_cov_x, acc_cov_y,acc_cov_z)`,
if the covariance on the three axes are different.
prop_cov (Bool, optional): flag to propagate the covariance matrix. Default: ``True``.
reset (Bool, optional): flag to reset the initial states after the :obj:`forward`
function is called. If ``False``, the integration starts from the last integration.
This flag is ignored if :obj:`init_state` is not ``None``. Default: ``False``.
def __init__(self, pos = torch.zeros(3),
rot = pp.identity_SO3(),
vel = torch.zeros(3),
gravity = 9.81007,
gyro_cov = (3.2e-3)**2,
acc_cov = (8e-2)**2,
prop_cov = True,
reset = False):
self.reset, self.prop_cov = reset, prop_cov
if isinstance(acc_cov, float):
acc_cov = torch.tensor([[acc_cov, acc_cov, acc_cov]])
if isinstance(gyro_cov, float):
gyro_cov = torch.tensor([[gyro_cov, gyro_cov, gyro_cov]])
# Initial status of IMU: (pos)ition, (rot)ation, (vel)ocity, (cov)ariance
self.register_buffer('gravity', torch.tensor([0, 0, gravity]), persistent=False)
self.register_buffer('pos', self._check(pos).clone(), persistent=False)
self.register_buffer('rot', self._check(rot).clone(), persistent=False)
self.register_buffer('vel', self._check(vel).clone(), persistent=False)
self.register_buffer('cov', torch.zeros(1, 9, 9), persistent=False)
self.register_buffer('gyro_cov', gyro_cov, persistent=False)
self.register_buffer('acc_cov', acc_cov, persistent=False)
self.Rij = None # rotation corresponding to the "zero-state" covariance Sigma_ii.
def _check(self, obj):
if obj is not None:
if len(obj.shape) == 2:
obj = obj[None, ...]
elif len(obj.shape) == 1:
obj = obj[None, None, ...]
return obj
[docs] def forward(self, dt, gyro, acc, rot:pp.SO3=None, gyro_cov=None, acc_cov=None, init_state=None):
Propagate IMU states from duration (:math:`\delta t`), gyroscope (angular rate
:math:`\omega`), linear acceleration (:math:`\mathbf{a}`) in body frame, as well as
their measurement covariance for gyroscope :math:`C_{g}` and acceleration
:math:`C_{\mathbf{a}}`. Known IMU rotation estimation :math:`R` can be provided for
better precision.
dt (torch.Tensor): time interval from last update.
gyro (torch.Tensor): angular rate (:math:`\omega`) in IMU body frame.
acc (torch.Tensor): linear acceleration (:math:`\mathbf{a}`) in IMU body frame
(raw sensor input with gravity).
rot (:obj:`pypose.SO3`, optional): known IMU rotation.
gyro_cov (torch.Tensor, optional): covariance matrix of angular rate.
If not given, the default state in constructor will be used.
acc_cov (torch.Tensor, optional): covariance matrix of linear acceleration.
If not given, the default state in constructor will be used.
init_state (Dict, optional): the initial state of the integration. The dictionary
should be in form of :obj:`{'pos': torch.Tensor, 'rot': pypose.SO3, 'vel':
torch.Tensor}`. If not given, the initial state in constructor will be used.
- input (:obj:`dt`, :obj:`gyro`, :obj:`acc`): This layer supports the input shape with
:math:`(B, F, H_{in})`, :math:`(F, H_{in})` and :math:`(H_{in})`, where :math:`B` is
the batch size (or the number of IMU), :math:`F` is the number of frames
(measurements), and :math:`H_{in}` is the raw sensor signals.
- init_state (Optional): The initial state of the integration. It contains
:code:`pos`: initial position, :code:`rot`: initial rotation, :code:`vel`: initial
velocity, with the shape :math:`(B, H_{in})`
- output: a :obj:`dict` of integrated state including ``pos``: position,
``rot``: rotation, and ``vel``: velocity, each of which has a shape
:math:`(B, F, H_{out})`, where :math:`H_{out}` is the signal dimension.
If :obj:`prop_cov` is ``True``, it will also include ``cov``: covariance
matrix in shape of :math:`(B, 9, 9)`.
IMU Measurements Integration:
.. math::
{\Delta}R_{ik+1} &= {\Delta}R_{ik} \mathrm{Exp} (w_k {\Delta}t) \\
{\Delta}v_{ik+1} &= {\Delta}v_{ik} + {\Delta}R_{ik} a_k {\Delta}t \\
{\Delta}p_{ik+1} &= {\Delta}p_{ik} + {\Delta}v_{ik} {\Delta}t
+ \frac{1}{2} {\Delta}R_{ik} a_k {\Delta}t^2
- :math:`{\Delta}R_{ik}` is the preintegrated rotation between the :math:`i`-th
and :math:`k`-th time step.
- :math:`{\Delta}v_{ik}` is the preintegrated velocity between the :math:`i`-th
and :math:`k`-th time step.
- :math:`{\Delta}p_{ik}` is the preintegrated position between the :math:`i`-th
and :math:`k`-th time step.
- :math:`a_k` is linear acceleration at the :math:`k`-th time step.
- :math:`w_k` is angular rate at the :math:`k`-th time step.
- :math:`{\Delta}t` is the time interval from time step :math:`k`-th to time
step :math:`{k+1}`-th time step.
Uncertainty Propagation:
.. math::
C_{ik+1} &= A C_{ik} A^T + B \mathrm{diag}(C_g, C_a) B^T \\
&= A C A^T + B_g C_g B_g^T + B_a C_a B_a^T
.. math::
A = \begin{bmatrix}
{\Delta}R_{ik+1}^T & 0_{3*3} \\
-{\Delta}R_{ik} (a_k^{\wedge}) {\Delta}t & I_{3*3} & 0_{3*3} \\
-1/2{\Delta}R_{ik} (a_k^{\wedge}) {\Delta}t^2 & I_{3*3} {\Delta}t & I_{3*3}
.. math::
B = [B_g, B_a] \\
.. math::
B_g = \begin{bmatrix}
J_r^k \Delta t \\
0_{3*3} \\
B_a = \begin{bmatrix}
0_{3*3} \\
{\Delta}R_{ik} {\Delta}t \\
1/2 {\Delta}R_{ik} {\Delta}t^2
where :math:`\cdot^\wedge` is the skew matrix (:meth:`pypose.vec2skew`),
:math:`C \in\mathbf{R}^{9\times 9}` is the covariance matrix,
and :math:`J_r^k` is the right jacobian (:meth:`pypose.Jr`) of integrated rotation
:math:`\mathrm{Exp}(w_k{\Delta}t)` at :math:`k`-th time step,
:math:`C_{g}` and :math:`C_{\mathbf{a}}` are measurement covariance of angular rate
and acceleration, respectively.
Output covariance (Shape: :math:`(B, 9, 9)`) is in the order of rotation, velocity,
and position.
With IMU preintegration, the propagated IMU status:
.. math::
R_j &= {\Delta}R_{ij} * R_i \\
v_j &= R_i * {\Delta}v_{ij} + v_i + g \Delta t_{ij} \\
p_j &= R_i * {\Delta}p_{ij} + p_i + v_i \Delta t_{ij} + 1/2 g \Delta t_{ij}^2 \\
- :math:`{\Delta}R_{ij}`, :math:`{\Delta}v_{ij}`, :math:`{\Delta}p_{ij}`
are the preintegrated measurements.
- :math:`R_i`, :math:`v_i`, and :math:`p_i` are the initial state. Default initial values
are used if :obj:`reset` is True.
- :math:`R_j`, :math:`v_j`, and :math:`p_j` are the propagated state variables.
- :math:`{\Delta}t_{ij}` is the time interval from frame i to j.
The implementation is based on Eq. (A7), (A8), (A9), and (A10) of this report:
* Christian Forster, et al., `IMU Preintegration on Manifold for Efficient Visual-Inertial
Maximum-a-posteriori Estimation
<>`_, Technical Report
GT-IRIM-CP&R-2015-001, 2015.
1. Preintegrator Initialization
>>> import torch
>>> import pypose as pp
>>> p = torch.zeros(3) # Initial Position
>>> r = pp.identity_SO3() # Initial rotation
>>> v = torch.zeros(3) # Initial Velocity
>>> integrator = pp.module.IMUPreintegrator(p, r, v)
2. Get IMU measurement
>>> ang = torch.tensor([0.1,0.1,0.1]) # angular velocity
>>> acc = torch.tensor([0.1,0.1,0.1]) # acceleration
>>> rot = pp.mat2SO3(torch.eye(3)) # Rotation (Optional)
>>> dt = torch.tensor([0.002]) # Time difference between two measurements
3. Preintegrating IMU measurements.
Takes as input the IMU values and calculates the preintegrated IMU measurements.
>>> states = integrator(dt, ang, acc, rot)
{'rot': SO3Type LieTensor:
tensor([[[1.0000e-04, 1.0000e-04, 1.0000e-04, 1.0000e+00]]]),
'vel': tensor([[[ 0.0002, 0.0002, -0.0194]]]),
'pos': tensor([[[ 2.0000e-07, 2.0000e-07, -1.9420e-05]]]),
'cov': tensor([[[ 5.7583e-11, -5.6826e-19, -5.6827e-19, 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00,
0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00],
[-5.6826e-19, 5.7583e-11, -5.6827e-19, 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00,
0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00],
[-5.6827e-19, -5.6827e-19, 5.7583e-11, 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00,
0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00],
[ 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, 8.0000e-09, -3.3346e-20,
-1.0588e-19, 8.0000e-12, 1.5424e-23, -1.0340e-22],
[ 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, -1.3922e-19, 8.0000e-09,
0.0000e+00, -8.7974e-23, 8.0000e-12, 0.0000e+00],
[ 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, -1.0588e-19,
8.0000e-09, 0.0000e+00, -1.0340e-22, 8.0000e-12],
[ 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, 8.0000e-12, 1.5424e-23,
-1.0340e-22, 8.0000e-15, -1.2868e-26, 0.0000e+00],
[ 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, -8.7974e-23, 8.0000e-12,
0.0000e+00, -1.2868e-26, 8.0000e-15, 0.0000e+00],
[ 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, -1.0340e-22,
8.0000e-12, 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, 8.0000e-15]]])}
Preintegrated IMU odometry from the KITTI dataset with and without known rotation.
.. list-table::
* - .. figure:: /_static/img/module/imu/imu-known-rot.png
:width: 300
Fig. 1. Known Rotation.
- .. figure:: /_static/img/module/imu/imu-unknown-rot.png
:width: 300
Fig. 2. Estimated Rotation.
The examples generating the above figures can be found at `examples/module/imu
assert(0 < len(acc.shape) == len(dt.shape) == len(gyro.shape) <= 3)
acc = self._check(acc); gyro = self._check(gyro)
dt = self._check(dt); rot = self._check(rot)
B = dt.shape[0]
if init_state is None:
init_state = {'pos': self.pos, 'rot': self.rot, 'vel': self.vel}
inte_state = self.integrate(init_state, dt, gyro, acc, rot)
predict = self.predict(init_state, inte_state)
if self.prop_cov:
if gyro_cov is None:
gyro_cov = self.gyro_cov.repeat([B,1,1])
if acc_cov is None:
acc_cov = self.acc_cov.repeat([B,1,1])
if 'cov' not in init_state or init_state['cov'] is None:
init_cov = self.cov.expand(B, 9, 9)
init_cov = init_state['cov']
if 'Rij' in init_state:
Rij = init_state['Rij']
Rij = self.Rij # default is None
if Rij is not None:
Rij = Rij * inte_state['rot']
Rij = inte_state['rot']
cov_input_state ={
'Rij': Rij.detach(),
'Rk': inte_state['dr'].detach(),
'Ha': pp.vec2skew(inte_state['a'].detach()),
'dt': dt.detach()
cov = self.propagate_cov(cov_input = cov_input_state, init_cov = init_cov,
gyro_cov = gyro_cov, acc_cov = acc_cov)
cov = {'cov': None}
if not self.reset:
self.pos = predict['pos'][..., -1:, :]
self.rot = predict['rot'][..., -1:, :]
self.vel = predict['vel'][..., -1:, :]
self.cov = cov['cov']
self.Rij = Rij[..., -1:, :]
return {**predict, **cov}
def integrate(self, init_state, dt, gyro, acc, rot:pp.SO3=None):
B, F = dt.shape[:2]
dr =[pp.identity_SO3(B, 1, dtype=dt.dtype, device=dt.device), pp.so3(gyro*dt).Exp()], dim=1)
incre_r = pp.cumprod(dr, dim = 1, left=False)
inte_rot = init_state['rot'] * incre_r
if isinstance(rot, pp.LieTensor):
a = acc - rot.Inv() @ self.gravity
a = acc - inte_rot[:,1:,:].Inv() @ self.gravity
dv = torch.zeros(B, 1, 3, dtype=dt.dtype, device=dt.device)
dv =[dv, incre_r[:,:F,:] @ a * dt], dim=1)
incre_v = torch.cumsum(dv, dim =1)
dp = torch.zeros(B, 1, 3, dtype=dt.dtype, device=dt.device)
dp =[dp, incre_v[:,:F,:] * dt + incre_r[:,:F,:] @ a * 0.5 * dt**2], dim =1)
incre_p = torch.cumsum(dp, dim =1)
incre_t = torch.cumsum(dt, dim = 1)
incre_t =[torch.zeros(B, 1, 1, dtype=dt.dtype, device=dt.device), incre_t], dim =1)
return {'a':a, 'vel':incre_v[...,1:,:], 'pos':incre_p[:,1:,:], 'rot':incre_r[:,1:,:],
't':incre_t[...,1:,:], 'dr': dr[:,1:,:]}
def predict(cls, init_state, integrate):
return {
'rot': init_state['rot'] * integrate['rot'],
'vel': init_state['vel'] + init_state['rot'] * integrate['vel'],
'pos': init_state['pos'] + init_state['rot'] * integrate['pos'] + init_state['vel'] * integrate['t'],
def propagate_cov(cls, cov_input, init_cov, gyro_cov, acc_cov):
## The input acc_cov and gyro cov should be a vector of 3
B, F = cov_input['dt'].shape[:2]
device = cov_input['dt'].device; dtype = cov_input['dt'].dtype
Cg = torch.diag_embed(gyro_cov)
Ca = torch.diag_embed(acc_cov)
# constructing the propagate
A = torch.eye(9, device=device, dtype=dtype).repeat([B, F+1, 1, 1])
Bg = torch.zeros(B, F, 9, 3, device=device, dtype=dtype)
Ba = torch.zeros(B, F, 9, 3, device=device, dtype=dtype)
A[:, :-1, 0:3, 0:3] = cov_input['Rk'].matrix().mT # R_{k,k+1}^T
A[:, :-1, 3:6, 0:3] = torch.einsum('...xy,...t -> ...xy', \
- cov_input['Rij'].matrix() @ cov_input['Ha'], cov_input['dt'])
A[:, :-1, 6:9, 0:3] = torch.einsum('...xy,...t -> ...xy', \
- 0.5 * cov_input['Rij'].matrix() @ cov_input['Ha'], cov_input['dt']**2)
A[:, :-1, 6:9, 3:6] = torch.einsum('...xy,...t -> ...xy', \
torch.eye(3, device=device, dtype=dtype).repeat([B, F, 1, 1]), cov_input['dt'])
# [J dt, 0, 0]^T
Bg[..., 0:3, 0:3] = torch.einsum('...xy,...t -> ...xy', cov_input['Rk'].Jr(), cov_input['dt'])
# [0, R_{ik}dt, 1/2R_{ik}dt^2]^T
Ba[..., 3:6, 0:3] = torch.einsum('...xy,...t -> ...xy', cov_input['Rij'].matrix(), cov_input['dt'])
Ba[..., 6:9, 0:3] = 0.5 * torch.einsum('...xy,...t -> ...xy',
cov_input['Rij'].matrix(), cov_input['dt']**2)
# the term of B
B_cov = torch.einsum('...xy,...t -> ...xy', Bg @ Cg @ Bg.mT + Ba @ Ca @ Ba.mT, 1/cov_input['dt'])
B_cov =[init_cov[:,None,...], B_cov], dim=1)
A_left_cum = pp.cumprod(A.flip([1]), dim=1).flip([1]) # cum from An to I, then flip
A_right_cum = A_left_cum.mT
cov = torch.sum(A_left_cum @ B_cov @ A_right_cum, dim=1)
return {'cov': cov, 'Rij': cov_input['Rij'][..., -1:, :]}