
Source code for pypose.optim.scheduler

import torch
from .optimizer import _Optimizer

class _Scheduler(object):

    def __init__(self, optimizer, max_steps, verbose=False):

        # Attach optimizer
        if not isinstance(optimizer, _Optimizer):
            raise TypeError('{} is not an Optimizer'.format(

        self.optimizer, self.verbose = optimizer, verbose
        self.max_steps, self.steps = max_steps, 0
        self.continual = True

    def continual(self):
        return self._continual

    def continual(self, value):
        assert isinstance(value, bool)
        self._continual = value

    def state_dict(self):
        """Returns the state of the scheduler as a :class:`dict`.

        It contains an entry for every variable in self.__dict__ which
        is not the optimizer.
        return {key: value for key, value in self.__dict__.items() if key != 'optimizer'}

    def load_state_dict(self, state_dict):
        """Loads the schedulers state.

            state_dict (dict): scheduler state. Should be an object returned
                from a call to :meth:`state_dict`.

[docs]class StopOnPlateau(_Scheduler): r''' A scheduler to stop an optimizer when no relative loss 'decreasing' is seen for a 'patience' number of steps. Args: optimizer (Optimizer): Wrapped optimizer. patience (int): Number of steps with no loss 'decreasing' is seen. For example, if ``patience = 2``, then it ignores the first 2 steps with no improvement, and stop the optimizer after the 3rd step if the loss has no decerasing. Default: 5. decreasing (float): relative loss decreasing used to count the number of patience steps. Default: 1e-3. verbose (bool): if ``True``, prints a message to stdout for each step. Default: ``False``. Note: The users have two options to use a scheduler. The first one is to call the :meth:`step` method for multiple times, which is easy to be extended for customized operation in each iteration. The second one is to call the :meth:`optimize` method, which interally calls :meth:`step` multiple times to perform full optimization. See examples below. ''' def __init__(self, optimizer, steps, patience=5, decreasing=1e-3, verbose=False): super().__init__(optimizer, steps, verbose) self.decreasing = decreasing self.patience, self.patience_count = patience, 0
[docs] def step(self, loss): r''' Performs a scheduler step. Args: loss (float): the model loss after one optimizer step. Example: >>> class PoseInv(nn.Module): ... ... def __init__(self, *dim): ... super().__init__() ... self.pose = pp.Parameter(pp.randn_SE3(*dim)) ... ... def forward(self, input): ... return (self.pose @ input).Log().tensor() ... >>> device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") >>> input = pp.randn_SE3(2, 2).to(device) >>> invnet = PoseInv(2, 2).to(device) >>> strategy = pp.optim.strategy.Constant(damping=1e-4) >>> optimizer = pp.optim.LM(invnet, strategy=strategy) >>> scheduler = pp.optim.scheduler.StopOnPlateau(optimizer, steps=10, \ >>> patience=3, decreasing=1e-3, verbose=True) ... >>> while scheduler.continual: ... loss = optimizer.step(input) ... scheduler.step(loss) StopOnPlateau on step 0 Loss 9.337769e+01 --> Loss 3.502787e-05 (reduction/loss: 1.0000e+00). StopOnPlateau on step 1 Loss 3.502787e-05 --> Loss 4.527339e-13 (reduction/loss: 1.0000e+00). StopOnPlateau on step 2 Loss 4.527339e-13 --> Loss 7.112640e-14 (reduction/loss: 8.4290e-01). StopOnPlateau on step 3 Loss 7.112640e-14 --> Loss 3.693307e-14 (reduction/loss: 4.8074e-01). StopOnPlateau: Maximum patience steps reached, Quiting.. ''' assert self.optimizer.loss is not None, \ 'scheduler.step() should be called after optimizer.step()' if self.verbose: print('StopOnPlateau on step {} Loss {:.6e} --> Loss {:.6e} '\ '(reduction/loss: {:.4e}).'.format(self.steps, self.optimizer.last, self.optimizer.loss, (self.optimizer.last - self.optimizer.loss) /\ (self.optimizer.last + 1e-31))) self.steps = self.steps + 1 if self.steps >= self.max_steps: self.continual = False if self.verbose: print("StopOnPlateau: Maximum steps reached, Quiting..") if (self.optimizer.last - self.optimizer.loss) < self.decreasing: self.patience_count = self.patience_count + 1 else: self.patience_count = 0 if self.patience_count >= self.patience: self.continual = False if self.verbose: print("StopOnPlateau: Maximum patience steps reached, Quiting..") if hasattr(self.optimizer, 'reject_count'): if self.optimizer.reject_count > 0: self.continual = False if self.verbose: print("StopOnPlateau: Maximum rejected steps reached, Quiting..")
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def optimize(self, input, target=None, weight=None): r''' Perform full optimization steps. Args: input (Tensor/LieTensor or tuple of Tensors/LieTensors): the input to the model. target (Tensor/LieTensor): the model target to optimize. If not given, the squared model output is minimized. Defaults: ``None``. weight (Tensor, optional): a square positive definite matrix defining the weight of model residual. Default: ``None``. The above arguments are sent to optimizers. More details go to :obj:`pypose.optim.LevenbergMarquardt` or :obj:`pypose.optim.GaussNewton`. Example: >>> class PoseInv(nn.Module): ... ... def __init__(self, *dim): ... super().__init__() ... self.pose = pp.Parameter(pp.randn_SE3(*dim)) ... ... def forward(self, input): ... return (self.pose @ input).Log().tensor() ... >>> device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") >>> input = pp.randn_SE3(2, 2).to(device) >>> invnet = PoseInv(2, 2).to(device) >>> strategy = pp.optim.strategy.Constant(damping=1e-4) >>> optimizer = pp.optim.LM(invnet, strategy=strategy) >>> scheduler = pp.optim.scheduler.StopOnPlateau(optimizer, steps=10, \ >>> patience=3, decreasing=1e-3, verbose=True) ... >>> scheduler.optimize(input=input) StopOnPlateau on step 0 Loss 5.199298e+01 --> Loss 8.425808e-06 (reduction/loss: 1.0000e+00). StopOnPlateau on step 1 Loss 8.425808e-06 --> Loss 3.456247e-13 (reduction/loss: 1.0000e+00). StopOnPlateau on step 2 Loss 3.456247e-13 --> Loss 1.525355e-13 (reduction/loss: 5.5867e-01). StopOnPlateau on step 3 Loss 1.525355e-13 --> Loss 6.769275e-14 (reduction/loss: 5.5622e-01). StopOnPlateau: Maximum patience steps reached, Quiting.. ''' while self.continual: loss = self.optimizer.step(input, target, weight) self.step(loss)


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