
Source code for pypose.lietensor.basics

import math
import torch

[docs]def vec2skew(input:torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r""" Convert batched vectors to skew matrices. Args: input (Tensor): the tensor :math:`\mathbf{x}` to convert. Return: Tensor: the skew matrices :math:`\mathbf{y}`. Shape: Input: :obj:`(*, 3)` Output: :obj:`(*, 3, 3)` .. math:: {\displaystyle \mathbf{y}_i={\begin{bmatrix}\,\, 0&\!-x_{i,3}&\,\,\,x_{i,2}\\\,\,\,x_{i,3}&0&\!-x_{i,1} \\\!-x_{i,2}&\,\,x_{i,1}&\,\,0\end{bmatrix}}} Note: The last dimension of the input tensor has to be 3. Example: >>> pp.vec2skew(torch.randn(1,3)) tensor([[[ 0.0000, -2.2059, -1.2761], [ 2.2059, 0.0000, 0.2929], [ 1.2761, -0.2929, 0.0000]]]) """ v = input.tensor() if hasattr(input, 'ltype') else input assert v.shape[-1] == 3, "Last dim should be 3" O = torch.zeros(v.shape[:-1], device=v.device, dtype=v.dtype, requires_grad=v.requires_grad) return torch.stack([torch.stack([ O, -v[...,2], v[...,1]], dim=-1), torch.stack([ v[...,2], O, -v[...,0]], dim=-1), torch.stack([-v[...,1], v[...,0], O], dim=-1)], dim=-2)
[docs]def add_(input, other, alpha=1): r''' Inplace version of :meth:`pypose.add`. ''' return input.add_(other, alpha)
[docs]def add(input, other, alpha=1): r''' Adds other, scaled by alpha, to input LieTensor. Args: input (:obj:`LieTensor`): the input LieTensor (Lie Algebra or Lie Group). other (:obj:`Tensor`): the tensor to add to input. The last dimension has to be no less than the shape of the corresponding Lie Algebra of the input. alpha (:obj:`Number`): the multiplier for other. Return: :obj:`LieTensor`: the output LieTensor. .. math:: \bm{y}_i = \begin{cases} \alpha * \bm{a}_i + \bm{x}_i & \text{if}~\bm{x}_i~\text{is a Lie Algebra} \\ \mathrm{Exp}(\alpha * \bm{a}_i) \times \bm{x}_i & \text{if}~\bm{x}_i~\text{is a Lie Group} \end{cases} where :math:`\bm{x}` is the ``input`` LieTensor, :math:`\bm{a}` is the ``other`` Tensor to add, and :math:`\bm{y}` is the output LieTensor. Note: A Lie Group normally requires a larger space than its corresponding Lie Algebra, thus the elements in the last dimension of the ``other`` Tensor (treated as a Lie Algebra in this function) beyond the expected shape of the Lie Algebra are ignored. This is because the gradient of a Lie Group is computed as a left perturbation (a Lie Algebra) in its tangent space and is stored in the LieGroup's :obj:`LieTensor.grad`, which has the same storage space with the LieGroup. .. math:: \begin{align*} \frac{D f(\mathcal{X})}{D \mathcal{X}} & \overset{\underset{\mathrm{def}}{}}{=} \displaystyle \lim_{\bm{\tau} \to \bm{0}} \frac{f(\bm{\tau} \oplus \mathcal{X}) \ominus f(\mathcal{X})}{\bm{\tau}} \\ & = \left.\frac{\partial\mathrm{Log}(f(\mathrm{Exp}(\bm{\tau})\times\mathcal{X})) \times f(\mathcal{X})^{-1})}{\partial \bm{\tau}}\right|_{\bm{\tau=\bm{0}}} \end{align*}, where :math:`\mathcal{X}` is a Lie Group and :math:`\bm{\tau}` is its left perturbation. See Eq.(44) in `Micro Lie theory <>`_ for more details of the gradient for a Lie Group. This provides convenience to work with PyTorch optimizers like :obj:`torch.optim.SGD`, which calls function :meth:`.add_` of a Lie Group to adjust parameters by gradients (:obj:`LieTensor.grad`, where the last element is often zero since tangent vector requires smaller storage space). See :meth:`LieTensor` for types of Lie Algebra and Lie Group. See :meth:`Exp` for Exponential mapping of Lie Algebra. Examples: The following operations are equivalent. >>> x = pp.randn_SE3() >>> a = torch.randn(6) >>> x + a SE3Type LieTensor: tensor([-1.6089, 0.4184, 0.6621, -0.2098, 0.5383, 0.4794, 0.6606]) >>> pp.add(x, a) SE3Type LieTensor: tensor([-1.6089, 0.4184, 0.6621, -0.2098, 0.5383, 0.4794, 0.6606]) >>> pp.se3(a).Exp() @ x SE3Type LieTensor: tensor([-1.6089, 0.4184, 0.6621, -0.2098, 0.5383, 0.4794, 0.6606]) >>> x +[a, torch.randn(1)]) SE3Type LieTensor: tensor([-1.6089, 0.4184, 0.6621, -0.2098, 0.5383, 0.4794, 0.6606]) ''' return input.add(other, alpha)
[docs]def mul(input, other): r''' Multiply input LieTensor by other. .. math:: \bm{y}_i = \bm{x}_i \ast \bm{a}_i where :math:`\bm{x}` is the ``input`` LieTensor, :math:`\bm{a}` is the ``other`` Tensor or LieTensor, and :math:`\bm{y}` is the output. Args: input (:obj:`LieTensor`): the input LieTensor (Lie Group or Lie Algebra). other (:obj:`Number`, :obj:`Tensor`, or :obj:`LieTensor`): the value for input to be multiplied by. Return: :obj:`Tensor`/:obj:`LieTensor`: the product of ``input`` and ``other``. .. list-table:: List of :obj:`pypose.mul` cases :widths: 25 30 25 :header-rows: 1 * - input :obj:`LieTensor` - other - output * - Lie Algebra - :obj:`Number` - :obj:`Lie Algebra` * - Lie Group - :obj:`Tensor` :math:`\in \mathbb{R^{*\times3}}` - :obj:`Tensor` * - Lie Group - :obj:`Tensor` :math:`\in \mathbb{R^{*\times4}}` - :obj:`Tensor` * - Lie Group - :obj:`Lie Group` - :obj:`Lie Group` When multiplying a Lie Group by another Lie Group, they must have the same Lie type. Note: - When ``other`` is a Tensor, this operator is equivalent to :meth:`Act`. - When ``other`` is a number and ``input`` is a Lie Algebra, this operator performs simple element-wise multiplication. - When ``input`` is a Lie Group, more details are shown below. * Input :math:`\bm{x}`'s :obj:`ltype` is :obj:`SO3_type` (input :math:`\bm{x}` is an instance of :meth:`SO3`): .. math:: {\displaystyle \bm{y}_i={\begin{bmatrix} q_i^wq_i^{w'} - q_i^xq_i^{x'} -q_i^yq_i^{y'} - q_i^zq_i^{z'}\\ q_i^wq_i^{x'} + q_i^xq_i^{w'} +q_i^yq_i^{z'} - q_i^zq_i^{y'}\\ q_i^wq_i^{y'} - q_i^xq_i^{z'} +q_i^yq_i^{w'} + q_i^zq_i^{x'}\\ q_i^wq_i^{z'} + q_i^xq_i^{y'} -q_i^yq_i^{x'} + q_i^zq_i^{w'} \end{bmatrix} }^T}, where :math:`\bm{x}_i = [q_i^x, q_i^y, q_i^z, q_i^w]` and :math:`\bm{a}_i = [q_i^{x'}, q_i^{y'}, q_i^{z'}, q_i^{w'}]` are the ``input`` and ``other`` LieTensor, respectively. Note: :math:`\mathbf{y}_i` can be simply derived by taking the complex number multiplication. .. math:: \bm{y}_i = (q_i^x\mathbf{i} + q_i^y\mathbf{j} + q_i^z\mathbf{k} + q_i^w) \ast (q_i^{x'}\mathbf{i} + q_i^{y'}\mathbf{j} + q_i^{z'}\mathbf{k} + q_i^{w'}), where and :math:`\mathbf{i}` :math:`\mathbf{j}`, and :math:`\mathbf{k}` are the imaginary units. .. math:: \mathbf{i}^2 = \mathbf{j}^2 = \mathbf{k}^2 = \mathbf{ijk} = -1 * Input :math:`\bm{x}`'s :obj:`ltype` is :obj:`SE3_type` (input :math:`\bm{x}` is an instance of :meth:`SE3`): .. math:: \bm{y}_i = [\mathbf{q}_i * \mathbf{t}_i' + \mathbf{t}_i, \mathbf{q}_i * \mathbf{q}_i'] where :math:`\bm{x}_i = [\mathbf{t}_i, \mathbf{q}_i]` and :math:`\bm{a}_i = [\mathbf{t}_i', \mathbf{q}_i']` are the ``input`` and ``other`` LieTensor, respectively; :math:`\mathbf{t}_i`, :math:`\mathbf{t}_i'` and :math:`\mathbf{q}_i`, :math:`\mathbf{q}_i'` are their translation and :obj:`SO3` parts, respectively; the operator :math:`\ast` denotes the obj:`SO3_type` multiplication introduced above. * Input :math:`\bm{x}`'s :obj:`ltype` is :obj:`RxSO3_type` (input :math:`\bm{x}` is an instance of :meth:`RxSO3`) .. math:: \bm{y}_i = [\mathbf{q}_i * \mathbf{q}_i', s_is_i'] where :math:`s_i` and :math:`s_i'` are the scale parts of the ``input`` and ``other`` LieTensor, respectively. * Input :math:`\bm{x}`'s :obj:`ltype` is :obj:`Sim3_type` (input :math:`\bm{x}` is an instance of :meth:`Sim3`): .. math:: \bm{y}_i = [\mathbf{q}_i * \mathbf{t}_i' + \mathbf{t}_i, \mathbf{q}_i * \mathbf{q}_i', s_is_i'] where :math:`\bm{x}_i = [\mathbf{t}_i, \mathbf{q}_i, s_i]` and :math:`\bm{a}_i = [\mathbf{t}_i', \mathbf{q}_i', s_i']` are the ``input`` and ``other`` LieTensor, respectively. Examples: * :obj:`Lie Algebra` :math:`*` :obj:`Number` :math:`\mapsto` :obj:`Lie Algebra` >>> x = pp.randn_so3() >>> x so3Type LieTensor: LieTensor([ 0.3018, -1.0246, 0.7784]) >>> a = 5 >>> # The following two operations are equivalent. >>> x * a so3Type LieTensor: LieTensor([ 1.5090, -5.1231, 3.8919]) >>> pp.mul(x, 5) so3Type LieTensor: LieTensor([ 1.5090, -5.1231, 3.8919]) * :obj:`Lie Group` :math:`*` :obj:`Tensor` :math:`\mapsto` :obj:`Tensor` >>> x = pp.randn_SO3() >>> a = torch.randn(3) >>> x, a (SO3Type LieTensor: LieTensor([ 0.6047, -0.2129, -0.1781, 0.7465]), tensor([-0.1811, -0.2278, -1.9956])) >>> x * a tensor([ 0.9089, 1.6984, -0.5969]) >>> a = torch.randn(4) >>> a tensor([ 1.5236, -1.2757, -0.7140, 0.2467]) >>> x * a tensor([ 1.6588, -0.4687, -1.2196, 0.2467] * :obj:`SO3_type` :math:`*` :obj:`SO3_type` :math:`\mapsto` :obj:`SO3_type` >>> a = pp.randn_SO3() >>> a SO3Type LieTensor: LieTensor([ 0.0118, -0.7042, -0.4516, 0.5478]) >>> x * a SO3Type LieTensor: LieTensor([ 0.3108, -0.3714, -0.8579, 0.1715]) * :obj:`SE3_type` :math:`*` :obj:`SE3_type` :math:`\mapsto` :obj:`SE3_type` >>> x = pp.randn_SE3() >>> a = pp.randn_SE3() >>> x, a (SE3Type LieTensor: LieTensor([ 0.7819, 1.8541, -0.2857, -0.1970, 0.4742, 0.1109, 0.8509]), SE3Type LieTensor: LieTensor([ 0.6039, -1.4076, 0.3496, 0.7297, 0.3971, 0.2849, 0.4783])) >>> x * a SE3Type LieTensor: LieTensor([ 1.8949, 0.7456, -0.3104, 0.6177, 0.7017, -0.1287, 0.3308]) * :obj:`RxSO3_type` :math:`*` :obj:`RxSO3_type` :math:`\mapsto` :obj:`RxSO3_type` >>> x = pp.randn_RxSO3() >>> a = pp.randn_RxSO3() >>> x, a (RxSO3Type LieTensor: LieTensor([-0.7518, -0.6481, 0.0933, -0.0775, 1.5791]), RxSO3Type LieTensor: LieTensor([ 0.2757, 0.3102, -0.4086, 0.8129, 0.6593])) >>> x * a RxSO3Type LieTensor: LieTensor([-0.3967, -0.8323, 0.0530, 0.3835, 1.0411]) * :obj:`Sim3_type` :math:`*` :obj:`Sim3_type` :math:`\mapsto` :obj:`Sim3_type` >>> x = pp.randn_Sim3() >>> a = pp.randn_Sim3() >>> x, a (Sim3Type LieTensor: LieTensor([-0.3439, -0.2309, -0.6571, 0.3170, -0.6594, -0.1100, 0.6728, 0.6296]), Sim3Type LieTensor: LieTensor([-0.7434, 1.8613, -2.1315, 0.7688, -0.0268, 0.0520, 0.6367, 1.7745])) >>> x * a Sim3Type LieTensor: LieTensor([ 0.5740, 1.3197, -0.2752, 0.6819, -0.5389, 0.4634, 0.1727, 1.1172]) ''' return input * other
[docs]def cumops_(input, dim, ops): r''' Inplace version of :meth:`pypose.cumops` ''' L, v = input.shape[dim], input assert dim != -1 or dim != v.shape[-1], "Invalid dim" for i in torch.pow(2, torch.arange(math.log2(L)+1, device=v.device, dtype=torch.int64)): index = torch.arange(i, L, device=v.device, dtype=torch.int64) v.index_copy_(dim, index, ops(v.index_select(dim, index), v.index_select(dim, index-i))) return v
[docs]def cummul_(input, dim): r''' Inplace version of :meth:`pypose.cummul` ''' return cumops_(input, dim, lambda a, b : a * b)
[docs]def cumprod_(input, dim): r''' Inplace version of :meth:`pypose.cumprod` ''' return cumops_(input, dim, lambda a, b : a @ b)
[docs]def cumops(input, dim, ops): r"""Returns the cumulative user-defined operation of LieTensor along a dimension. .. math:: y_i = x_1~\mathrm{\circ}~x_2 ~\mathrm{\circ}~ \cdots ~\mathrm{\circ}~ x_i, where :math:`\mathrm{\circ}` is the user-defined operation and :math:`x_i,~y_i` are the :math:`i`-th LieType item along the :obj:`dim` dimension of input and output, respectively. Args: input (LieTensor): the input LieTensor dim (int): the dimension to do the operation over ops (func): the user-defined operation or function Returns: LieTensor: LieTensor Note: - The users are supposed to provide meaningful operation. - This function doesn't check whether the results are valid for mathematical definition of LieTensor, e.g., quaternion. - The time complexity of the function is :math:`\mathcal{O}(\log N)`, where :math:`N` is the LieTensor size along the :obj:`dim` dimension. Examples: >>> input = pp.randn_SE3(2) >>> input.cumprod(dim = 0) SE3Type LieTensor: tensor([[-0.6466, 0.2956, 2.4055, -0.4428, 0.1893, 0.3933, 0.7833], [ 1.2711, 1.2020, 0.0651, -0.0685, 0.6732, 0.7331, -0.0685]]) >>> pp.cumops(input, 0, lambda a, b : a @ b) SE3Type LieTensor: tensor([[-0.6466, 0.2956, 2.4055, -0.4428, 0.1893, 0.3933, 0.7833], [ 1.2711, 1.2020, 0.0651, -0.0685, 0.6732, 0.7331, -0.0685]]) """ return cumops_(input.clone(), dim, ops)
[docs]def cummul(input, dim, left = True): r"""Returns the cumulative multiplication (*) of LieTensor along a dimension. * Left multiplication: .. math:: y_i = x_i * x_{i-1} * \cdots * x_1, * Right multiplication: .. math:: y_i = x_1 * x_2 * \cdots * x_i, where :math:`x_i,~y_i` are the :math:`i`-th LieType item along the :obj:`dim` dimension of input and output, respectively. Args: input (LieTensor): the input LieTensor dim (int): the dimension to do the multiplication over left (bool, optional): whether perform left multiplication in :obj:`cummul`. If set it to :obj:`False`, this function performs right multiplication. Defaul: ``True`` Returns: LieTensor: The LieTensor Note: - The time complexity of the function is :math:`\mathcal{O}(\log N)`, where :math:`N` is the LieTensor size along the :obj:`dim` dimension. Example: * Left multiplication with :math:`\text{input} \in` :obj:`SE3` >>> input = pp.randn_SE3(2) >>> pp.cummul(input, dim=0) SE3Type LieTensor: tensor([[-1.9615, -0.1246, 0.3666, 0.0165, 0.2853, 0.3126, 0.9059], [ 0.7139, 1.3988, -0.1909, -0.1780, 0.4405, -0.6571, 0.5852]]) * Left multiplication with :math:`\text{input} \in` :obj:`SO3` >>> input = pp.randn_SO3(1,2) >>> pp.cummul(input, dim=1, left=False) SO3Type LieTensor: tensor([[[-1.8252e-01, 1.6198e-01, 8.3683e-01, 4.9007e-01], [ 2.0905e-04, 5.2031e-01, 8.4301e-01, -1.3642e-01]]]) """ if left: return cumops(input, dim, lambda a, b : a * b) else: return cumops(input, dim, lambda a, b : b * a)
[docs]def cumprod(input, dim, left = True): r"""Returns the cumulative product (``@``) of LieTensor along a dimension. * Left product: .. math:: y_i = x_i ~\times~ x_{i-1} ~\times~ \cdots ~\times~ x_1, * Right product: .. math:: y_i = x_1 ~\times~ x_2 ~\times~ \cdots ~\times~ x_i, where :math:`\times` denotes the group product (``@``), :math:`x_i,~y_i` are the :math:`i`-th item along the :obj:`dim` dimension of the input and output LieTensor, respectively. Args: input (LieTensor): the input LieTensor dim (int): the dimension to do the operation over left (bool, optional): whether perform left product in :obj:`cumprod`. If set it to :obj:`False`, this function performs right product. Defaul: ``True`` Returns: LieTensor: The LieTensor Note: - The time complexity of the function is :math:`\mathcal{O}(\log N)`, where :math:`N` is the LieTensor size along the :obj:`dim` dimension. Example: * Left product with :math:`\text{input} \in` :obj:`SE3` >>> input = pp.randn_SE3(2) >>> pp.cumprod(input, dim=0) SE3Type LieTensor: tensor([[-1.9615, -0.1246, 0.3666, 0.0165, 0.2853, 0.3126, 0.9059], [ 0.7139, 1.3988, -0.1909, -0.1780, 0.4405, -0.6571, 0.5852]]) * Right product with :math:`\text{input} \in` :obj:`SO3` >>> input = pp.randn_SO3(1,2) >>> pp.cumprod(input, dim=1, left=False) SO3Type LieTensor: tensor([[[ 0.5798, -0.1189, -0.2429, 0.7686], [ 0.7515, -0.1920, 0.5072, 0.3758]]]) """ if left: return cumops(input, dim, lambda a, b : a @ b) else: return cumops(input, dim, lambda a, b : b @ a)


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