

class pypose.mul(input, other)[source]

Multiply input LieTensor by other.

\[\bm{y}_i = \bm{x}_i \ast \bm{a}_i \]

where \(\bm{x}\) is the input LieTensor, \(\bm{a}\) is the other Tensor or LieTensor, and \(\bm{y}\) is the output.

  • input (LieTensor) – the input LieTensor (Lie Group or Lie Algebra).

  • other (Number, Tensor, or LieTensor) – the value for input to be multiplied by.


the product of input and other.

Return type


List of pypose.mul cases

input LieTensor



Lie Algebra


Lie Algebra

Lie Group

Tensor \(\in \mathbb{R^{*\times3}}\)


Lie Group

Tensor \(\in \mathbb{R^{*\times4}}\)


Lie Group

Lie Group

Lie Group

When multiplying a Lie Group by another Lie Group, they must have the same Lie type.


  • When other is a Tensor, this operator is equivalent to Act().

  • When other is a number and input is a Lie Algebra, this operator performs simple element-wise multiplication.

  • When input is a Lie Group, more details are shown below.

  • Input \(\bm{x}\)’s ltype is SO3_type (input \(\bm{x}\) is an instance of SO3()):

    \[{\displaystyle \bm{y}_i={\begin{bmatrix} q_i^wq_i^{w'} - q_i^xq_i^{x'} -q_i^yq_i^{y'} - q_i^zq_i^{z'}\\ q_i^wq_i^{x'} + q_i^xq_i^{w'} +q_i^yq_i^{z'} - q_i^zq_i^{y'}\\ q_i^wq_i^{y'} - q_i^xq_i^{z'} +q_i^yq_i^{w'} + q_i^zq_i^{x'}\\ q_i^wq_i^{z'} + q_i^xq_i^{y'} -q_i^yq_i^{x'} + q_i^zq_i^{w'} \end{bmatrix} }^T}, \]

    where \(\bm{x}_i = [q_i^x, q_i^y, q_i^z, q_i^w]\) and \(\bm{a}_i = [q_i^{x'}, q_i^{y'}, q_i^{z'}, q_i^{w'}]\) are the input and other LieTensor, respectively.


\(\mathbf{y}_i\) can be simply derived by taking the complex number multiplication.

\[\bm{y}_i = (q_i^x\mathbf{i} + q_i^y\mathbf{j} + q_i^z\mathbf{k} + q_i^w) \ast (q_i^{x'}\mathbf{i} + q_i^{y'}\mathbf{j} + q_i^{z'}\mathbf{k} + q_i^{w'}), \]

where and \(\mathbf{i}\) \(\mathbf{j}\), and \(\mathbf{k}\) are the imaginary units.

\[\mathbf{i}^2 = \mathbf{j}^2 = \mathbf{k}^2 = \mathbf{ijk} = -1 \]
  • Input \(\bm{x}\)’s ltype is SE3_type (input \(\bm{x}\) is an instance of SE3()):

    \[\bm{y}_i = [\mathbf{q}_i * \mathbf{t}_i' + \mathbf{t}_i, \mathbf{q}_i * \mathbf{q}_i'] \]

    where \(\bm{x}_i = [\mathbf{t}_i, \mathbf{q}_i]\) and \(\bm{a}_i = [\mathbf{t}_i', \mathbf{q}_i']\) are the input and other LieTensor, respectively; \(\mathbf{t}_i\), \(\mathbf{t}_i'\) and \(\mathbf{q}_i\), \(\mathbf{q}_i'\) are their translation and SO3 parts, respectively; the operator \(\ast\) denotes the obj:SO3_type multiplication introduced above.

  • Input \(\bm{x}\)’s ltype is RxSO3_type (input \(\bm{x}\) is an instance of RxSO3())

    \[\bm{y}_i = [\mathbf{q}_i * \mathbf{q}_i', s_is_i'] \]

    where \(s_i\) and \(s_i'\) are the scale parts of the input and other LieTensor, respectively.

  • Input \(\bm{x}\)’s ltype is Sim3_type (input \(\bm{x}\) is an instance of Sim3()):

    \[\bm{y}_i = [\mathbf{q}_i * \mathbf{t}_i' + \mathbf{t}_i, \mathbf{q}_i * \mathbf{q}_i', s_is_i'] \]

    where \(\bm{x}_i = [\mathbf{t}_i, \mathbf{q}_i, s_i]\) and \(\bm{a}_i = [\mathbf{t}_i', \mathbf{q}_i', s_i']\) are the input and other LieTensor, respectively.


  • Lie Algebra \(*\) Number \(\mapsto\) Lie Algebra

    >>> x = pp.randn_so3()
    >>> x
    so3Type LieTensor:
    LieTensor([ 0.3018, -1.0246,  0.7784])
    >>> a = 5
    >>> # The following two operations are equivalent.
    >>> x * a
    so3Type LieTensor:
    LieTensor([ 1.5090, -5.1231,  3.8919])
    >>> pp.mul(x, 5)
    so3Type LieTensor:
    LieTensor([ 1.5090, -5.1231,  3.8919])
  • Lie Group \(*\) Tensor \(\mapsto\) Tensor

    >>> x = pp.randn_SO3()
    >>> a = torch.randn(3)
    >>> x, a
    (SO3Type LieTensor:
    LieTensor([ 0.6047, -0.2129, -0.1781,  0.7465]),
    tensor([-0.1811, -0.2278, -1.9956]))
    >>> x * a
    tensor([ 0.9089,  1.6984, -0.5969])
    >>> a = torch.randn(4)
    >>> a
    tensor([ 1.5236, -1.2757, -0.7140,  0.2467])
    >>> x * a
    tensor([ 1.6588, -0.4687, -1.2196,  0.2467]
  • SO3_type \(*\) SO3_type \(\mapsto\) SO3_type

    >>> a = pp.randn_SO3()
    >>> a
    SO3Type LieTensor:
    LieTensor([ 0.0118, -0.7042, -0.4516,  0.5478])
    >>> x * a
    SO3Type LieTensor:
    LieTensor([ 0.3108, -0.3714, -0.8579,  0.1715])
  • SE3_type \(*\) SE3_type \(\mapsto\) SE3_type

    >>> x = pp.randn_SE3()
    >>> a = pp.randn_SE3()
    >>> x, a
    (SE3Type LieTensor:
    LieTensor([ 0.7819,  1.8541, -0.2857, -0.1970,  0.4742,  0.1109,  0.8509]),
    SE3Type LieTensor:
    LieTensor([ 0.6039, -1.4076,  0.3496,  0.7297,  0.3971,  0.2849,  0.4783]))
    >>> x * a
    SE3Type LieTensor:
    LieTensor([ 1.8949,  0.7456, -0.3104,  0.6177,  0.7017, -0.1287,  0.3308])
  • RxSO3_type \(*\) RxSO3_type \(\mapsto\) RxSO3_type

    >>> x = pp.randn_RxSO3()
    >>> a = pp.randn_RxSO3()
    >>> x, a
    (RxSO3Type LieTensor:
    LieTensor([-0.7518, -0.6481,  0.0933, -0.0775,  1.5791]),
    RxSO3Type LieTensor:
    LieTensor([ 0.2757,  0.3102, -0.4086,  0.8129,  0.6593]))
    >>> x * a
    RxSO3Type LieTensor:
    LieTensor([-0.3967, -0.8323,  0.0530,  0.3835,  1.0411])
  • Sim3_type \(*\) Sim3_type \(\mapsto\) Sim3_type

    >>> x = pp.randn_Sim3()
    >>> a = pp.randn_Sim3()
    >>> x, a
    (Sim3Type LieTensor:
    LieTensor([-0.3439, -0.2309, -0.6571,  0.3170, -0.6594, -0.1100,  0.6728, 0.6296]),
    Sim3Type LieTensor:
    LieTensor([-0.7434,  1.8613, -2.1315,  0.7688, -0.0268,  0.0520,  0.6367, 1.7745]))
    >>> x * a
    Sim3Type LieTensor:
    LieTensor([ 0.5740,  1.3197, -0.2752,  0.6819, -0.5389,  0.4634,  0.1727, 1.1172])


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